Thursday, February 28, 2008

job hunting..

I just noticed that there are lots of people wants to work abroad. What's wrong with the Philippines? One of the reasons is poverty. 8 out of 10 people suffers from it and can't go to school. Result is that they cant finish their studies and cant find better jobs.
On the other hand, people who graduated in college also having hard time to find a job. This is because they don't meet the qualifications. They end up applying on a job that didnt match their course.
Well to be honest, I'm one of those people who wants to work abroad. Its because its hard to find a better paying job here in the country. The most common job at the moment is a call center job which everybody can apply [graduate or undergrad]. This is the most [as I know] better paying job here in the country. I worked as an agent too. Working as a call center agent isnt enough. It can't support all my needs. That is why I want to work abroad. To have a better job and future.
But hey guys, I never say that Philippines isnt a good country. It is indeed good and beautiful country. It just that there are lots of things you need to consider for your future. I will still come back because this is my home.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

A call center life...

I once work in a corporate world as computer operator (MIS staff). I like the job but the salary wasn't good enough to support my needs. I decided to try working on a call center to have a better paying job and also to improve my communication skills. My first call center job is good. I worked as sales agent but after a month or so they transferred me to a technical account. The account wasn't really that technical. It is about office products such as adhesives, cards, ID etc. The thing that made it technical is because of the software you need to use to create business cards, mailing labels, post cards and ID. I enjoyed the work but later on i got used to it. I got bored because of doing the same routine everyday. I don't have any challenge. I lost my motivation to work. I became tardy. I got sick too. Before I thought that working in a call center is fun. I'm wrong. Everything is at risk such as your health. Most of the shifts are on graveyard meaning you will loose your social and night life. You also need to take care of yourself because you can get sick. Because of these I end up resigning. I stayed at home for a month. I tried looking for a day shift/ corporate job but its hard. I found one but it is far from my place so I refuse it. I end up working in a call center again.. Hahaha!!


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