Sunday, April 13, 2008

What does break up lines means?

I saw an interesting topic as I browse in Yahoo. This is about break up lines. Do you guys ever think what those break up lines really means? To be honest, I laughed when I read it. Below are some of the famous lines that are mentioned on the article:

"It's not you; it's me."
- Hey girls, how do you feel when a guy told you this? For me, guys are unpredictable so you can never tell when they say the truth or not. According to the article that I have read, this line means that it is really “you” why they want to have a break up. They just want to ensure that you will not burst an emotion. They are tying to make you believe that you are a great person, kind and perfect……for someone else and not for him.

"I'm not ready for a relationship right now."
- Does a guy really say this? I usually hear this line from a girl [hahaha]. This line means “to slow down”. If you just met it is not right to ask so many things. Also, not to talk about the future or tell him that you never felt the same before. Meaning you don’t have to rush. Just enjoy the time getting to know each other.

"I still care about you."
- I heard this line so many times. It means that "Please don't tell your friends I'm a jerk." Yes, he may still care about you but he also cares about his reputation and it should be intact.

So girls, don’t believe your ex’s every time they tell you this lines because they mean the opposite.


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