Saturday, May 3, 2008

Saturday sickness

I was so annoyed because I was late for work though I left our house early. The most annoying part is that when i reached our office and learned that it is queueing[again!!!]. It means that we have heavy volume of calls so we cannot have a break and lunch on time.

This is the scenario every Saturday. We are only 10 people for opening and the next shift will be around 3-4am. I dont know why the schedule analyst can't see that it is really hard for us to answer all of the calls. They set saturday and sunday off for most of the agents. I am not mad about it, what makes me irritated and annoyed is that they can't see the logic. They get mad if we have lots of abandoned calls but they don't put more agents every saturday. Hays!! I guess this is life. All i have to do is follow and sigh.


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